Kathryn Marie Is Stealing My Chair

June 30, 2010

Yup we have a new barn kitty, since Lil Dude’s been AWOL, and as soon as she’s spay she’ll be moving out to the barn with her lush kitty condo next to the awesome Cavalor feed to become the best mouser ever! Until then, she’s been enjoying the high life inside the house and has taken a particular liking to my office chair which she conveniently steals anytime I get out of it! LOL!


Okey the cuteness factor does play a big part in her getting away with it. 😉

Oh and we’re calling her Kathryn Marie. The Marie is in honor of Mimi. RIP Mimi! She’ll go by Kat for short.

Draper Photo Shoot And Maybe Contest!

June 24, 2010

We took some fun photos this morning all dolled up in Draper gear! They sent me these new polos they are launching officially in August and in true Draper style they are pretty hot (or cool as the case may) bringing old school function with high tech fabrics. I thought there’s tons of other folks out there that would like to get their hands on a trial of these polos like I just have so I connected with Kat at Draper about putting together a Tales of the Traveling Polo program.

I’m going to properly wash, roll and re-package these new polos and start a contest to pass them along to someone else so they can have a chance at trying them for a week, snapping some fun photos of themselves using the polos, provide feedback to Draper and then pass them along. For participating in the Tale of the Traveling Polo program participants will be given a discount on draperequinetherapy.com products. Win-win!

Now I’m not 100% on all this as I just mentioned it to Draper but I  think they love the idea and I’ll go forward with a contest ASAP. How’s that! Let your horse walk a mile in Carrara’s shoes so to speak trying out these same polos. Nice! Here’s some pictures of us from this morning and you can check them out online at draperequinetherapy.com!

Wrapping. Easy to put on with the nice Draper Holofiber as the base!

Heading out to the arena to try them out…

Checking the tack…

Trotting. Nice bend and flexing! WOW Carrara has a NICE hind leg and the fronts aren’t anything to shake a stick at. Fab trot!

A fun gallop is always nice too!

Thanks Lyndsay. You have magic fingers with the click of the cam!

PVDA Ride For Life

June 23, 2010

So this is a GREAT event and it’s this weekend. I interviewed Barbara Strawson about this event last year. Take a look and then read a bit more about the awesome things they have going on!

[flashvideo file=http://horsegirltv.com/episodes/ep51.flv /]

On the Dancing Horse Challenge:

The 2010 PVDA Ride for Life Dancing Horse Challenge Jun 26th will be THE equestrian event for 2010 leading up to the World Equestrian Games! We have such an impressive line-up, one too good to be missed so get your tickets now (a suggested $20 donation – free to kids 12 and under) at www.pvdarideforlife.org and support the cause of breast cancer research!

The performances this year for the Dancing Horse Challenge will be truly special with specialty acts coming from all over the country! KYB Dressage, the famed Barteau family, will be performing Broadway acts, stunts, and beautiful freestyles. You don’t need to go to Broadway for the Lion King or to the lake for water-skiing – you can see it all at the Dancing Horse Challenge, including a patriotic tribute to Lee Greenwood’s Proud to be an American.

The Sons of the Wind are coming from Connecticut with their breath-taking Lusitanos. Mr. Vitor Silva and his horses are nationally renowed for their haute ecole “airs above the ground” and perfectly matched quadrille. This is an opportunity to see the very high school movements that have made the Lipizzaners in Vienna world famous.

We have then many wonderful Grand Prix freestyles with such riders confirmed (subject to horses’ being fit) as Michael Barisone, Sue Jaccoma, Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel, Lauren Sprieser, and Ali Brock.

On the Gala:

This Black Tie affair goes on before during and after the Dancing Horse Challenge. If people MOVE, tickets are still available up until Tuesday!

Join us for the Celebration of Life – Pretty in Pink Gala the evening of June 26th at the Prince Georges Equestrian Center from to 5 P:M to 12:00. Your $100 toward a great cause provides you with appetizers, dinner, cash bar, free wine and beer, VIP seating at the DHC and great music to dance to through the evening. Get your request in by June 19th by going to www.pvdarideforlife.org (click on gala) or by contacting Jeannette Bair at jeannettebair@hotmail.com.

On the Silent Auction:

The PVDA , in addition to its great Sioent Auction at the event, is extending it to the country via on-line Auction at through Mission Fish, with items offered by Debbie McDonald , County Saddlery, great art work and a training and dressage experience/vacation offered by the Sons of the Wind! Please let folks know ot go to this link:


HorseGirlTV iPhone App Wallpaper

June 22, 2010

We’re working on the HorseGirlTV® iPhone app this week and hoping to get everything finalized and launched very soon. Of course, the app will be FREE and while it will be our beta launch it will have some fresh content, new ways to interact with the show and of course a few wallpapers too! Here’s a sample!


Equestrian Collections Giving Away FIVE Ovation Helmets!

June 21, 2010

I just heard about this and had to pass it along. It’s a total win-win-win! HorseGirlTV loves the awesome folks at Equestrian Collections (http://www.equestriancollections.com/) and they are huge with the give aways. Looks like they are giving away FIVE Ovation helmets and for a great cause to. Here’s the information…

Equestrian Collections and Ovation are pleased to present the Ovation Helmet Giveaway Contest! Nominate your favorite therapeutic riding center to win four free Ovation Protégé helmets, donated by Ovation and Equestrian Collections.


Post a link to the center’s website or Facebook Page and tell us why you think they deserve to win these helmets. The person who nominates the winning center will also win the Ovation Helmet of their choice! Check our all of the Ovation Helmets at their website, and at Equestrian Collections!

We would like to thank NARHA and HorseGirlTV for supporting this contest by getting the word out, helping us give as many therapeutic riding centers as possible the chance to win.

Did you know that every time you place an order on Equestrian Collections, you can ask us to support NARHA. We give rewards dollars to NARHA for distribution to NARHA centers. Just look for the box to click at check out. We’ll take care of the rest!

The contest begins Monday, June 21, 2010 and runs through Friday June, 25, 2010. Thank you for entering the Ovation Helmet Giveaway and for supporting your favorite therapeutic riding center!

Moms And Picking Great Cards

June 17, 2010

My mom will occasionally send me a card for no special reason but seeing the front of this one immediately made it special! When I was a little girl, I’d gallop my Shetland pony around as fast as possible and bareback if allowed pretending I was some wild cowgirl. I dreamed of growing up and becoming a rodeo queen or famous western horse trainer.

So long story short, I guess this card summed up my childhood aspirations pretty well. The quote by Emerson “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” makes me tear up every time I hear/read it as that is what I’ve tried to do in life and especially with HorseGirlTV. I think back to starting this new media production company years ago back before there was ANY video podcasting in the horse world and I think now how there’s tons knock off HorseGirlTV’s out there and many other like sites and it’s gratifying to know to some of those I might have blazed a trail!

Enough reminiscing and on to the card. What a great picture and the girl is wearing HorseGirlTV teal too!


HorseGirlTV Toes And New Barn Cat

June 16, 2010

I’ve been trying hard to stop working most evenings by 7 and sit on the back porch to watch the horses and dogs meander while the sun goes down. Life can’t be all busy, busy production and new media work! While that’s fun it’s nice to re-boot the brain and body on the occasion.

It was a perfect afternoon as Ex was able to come home early enough to enjoy it with me. We propped up our feet in the backyard, watching the dogs run around and just sat! How nice. So please do note my toes are HorseGirlTV® teal! Yup, I do get a wild hare every once in a while and paint HorseGirlTV® colors. 😉 First time in 4 years to see me outside of breeches or jeans so for those that will ask, on the ankle is a horse of course!


Here’s another reason for the sitting outside is time to bond with the new kitty. We did adopt the full grown “Lil Dude” and he’s still hanging around but as a grown neutered cat he’s a bit independent so we also now have a kitty that will hopefully bring the Dude around a bit more as he knows her and he likes other cats. She’ll get to move out to the barn as soon as she’s spayed and adjust to the family (including Zita and Picollo). She’s not too keen on Carrara even though Carrara thoroughly enjoyed licking her back the other morning!


Horse Shoe! Who Needs A Stinking Horse Shoe?!

June 15, 2010

Okey so for equine athletes we really do need shoes and we need to take the best care of our horses feet as possible but I realized last year that when my horse threw a shoe all was not lost, training didn’t need to be sacrificed. There’s tons of boots and wraps out there and I like these Hoofwraps. I emailed with the guy who invented them and they seem like really neat people. The wrap is easy to put on, wash and re-use.

I just opened up a new wrap after I’ve been using my other one for over a year now. This is what it looks like coming out of the package.


Here’s a close up of Miss C (otherwise known as the fabulous Carrara) AFTER we trained!


Here’s one of us looking super pooped after training but HEY at least we didn’t have to stop training just because she threw a shoe. It rarely happens here but when it does happen it’s really nice to know we don’t have to stop and wait for the farrier to get out! Yeah!


Oh yes… Their website is http://hoofwraps.com/ and I talked with Bryan! You can also buy them online with my favorite online tack shop, Equestrian Collections at http://www.equestriancollections.com/

HorseGirlTV Follow Up Interview With The Folks At Stable Scoop

June 2, 2010

It\’s always a pleasure to chat with Glenn and Helena at Stable Scoop and this last week was no exception. They did a catch up with some folks that they had previously interviewed and the interview is online at http://stablescoop.horseradionetwork.com/2010/05/28/stable-scoop-episode-93-guest-updates-and-kathleens-wild-ride/.
Our bit starts at 24:49 minutes into the show and ironically we ended up chatting about Attwood Equestrian Surface http://equestriansurfaces.com/, GGT footing http://www.ggt-footing.com/ and a bit about a future shoot with the Sons of the Winds at http://www.sonsofthewindfarm.com/!
Thanks for having me on the show guys and I\’ll look forward to chatting with you all again at some point soon! Glenn, think about heading out here to NC for some video production and maybe shooting a radio series here on location at HorseGirlTV!\"\"