The Birds

June 29, 2007

No I’m not going to rant about an Alfred Hitchcock film. I promise! 🙂 As I said, I moved into this little house sorta out in the country. I mean there are neighbors and such but it feels pretty remote and the MCB Quantico is right across the street with miles of forest so it sorta is country. Anyway, the house was on the market for about 10 months before renting to me and as a sale home they had some typical trying to sell a house acutremon including a wreath on the door. Well I noticed a birds nest sitting at the bottom of the wreath when I moved in and thought “how odd to buy a wreath with a fake birds nest in it” but to my surprise it was a real birds nest. Who would have known, the rental came with it’s own pets although I only signed up for Picollo on the contract! Hah! Well not only did it come with a wreath and birds nest but it came with the mommy bird and 4 eggs. Recently the eggs have hatched and there are 4 baby birds and a mom now living on the front door! Sweet! I have some video footage but just haven’t had the time to actually do anything with it. The picture is from the camera on my phone so the quality isn’t fabulous but you’ll get the idea of 4 new lives on my front door!

Virginia is great! I’m pulling teeth and getting the run arouougnd from several different air equine agents but hoping one of them will actually pull through with a palette to provide a safe and efficient transport of Jo (the horse) from Oregon to Virginia. I’ve been running to keep in shape but I’m really missing riding and really want to get started on my freestyle!! Yah!

New home and new episode

June 17, 2007

I’ve found a cute little house out in the country on about an acre. It’s not my ideal but it’s perfect for now as it’s quiet, roomy (almost too roomy since I don’t have any furniture) and best of all it was vacant and I could move in immediately so Jo could have the Jeep for checking into TBS. Thinking about it now, I’d really wish we’d checked out Fredericksburg but it’s all good. I have a lease until the end of the year and I’ll see what is happening at that time. I can’t believe I’m going to officially be in one spot for several months after my time moving around in Washington State and my long term lay over in Oregon. What a wild ride it’s been.

HorseGirlTV is going great. We are launching episode 4 “Athleticism of the Equestrian and Equine Athlete” and it’s just brilliant. I can’t wait to see the cowboy episode as Rich was wicked fun to talk with and the secondary shots we got were amazing!!! Check it out. We will “pump (clap) you up!” I love my job!

Travel log, smavel log :(

June 10, 2007

Okey. We’ve driven down Oregon and California. We’ve driven across Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and then it was just sorta a blur across the flat farm land, dairy cattle and such. We made it into Pittsburg so Jo could see Heintz stadium. I figured it would be a diversion that took us out about an hour but low and behold, we got off the freeway, pulled up to the stadium, pulled into a blocked off driveway, took photos and after handing out HorseGirlTV cards to a station wagon full of young girls asking about the trailer we were back on the road! Wow! That was TOO easy!

You’re right. It was. The tunnel we were supposed to go through was shut down and we were re-routed (along with a bagillion other vehicles on the road that hot PA day) on surface street through the most God-forsaken areas of town. We’re talking hookers and track marks here. One and a half hours later we were back on the road to Virginia. Jo got to not only see Heintz but a plethora of colorful crazy Pittsburg folks AND his dream house. South Dallas Avenue at Forbes, by the cemetary, Pittsburg, PA. Check it out when you’re in the neighborhood.

Next down into West Virginia. My goodness it’s amazingly beautiful and finally on down into Nokesville to drop off the trailer at Bluegrass Farm. Sherry and Mark were so nice as to let us park the trailer there while looking for a house. Now it’s on to finding a home and getting settled!

Holy cow! I’ve moved across the ENTIRE country. Wow! Let’s see… The list goes Texas to Oregon, Oregon to California (yes I know that’s backwards), California to Spain, Spain to Texas (because of Picollo’s surgery and lay up time), Texas to California, California to Washington (because I bought Jo, the horse), Washington to Germany (trip interrupted in Oregon) and now Oregon to Virginia. Where to next? Who knows?

Next stop Laramie, Wyoming

June 8, 2007

Day two was filled with mountains, mountains, the occasional coal plant, antelope and more mountains. I think I’ve filled my citizen’s requirement for fast food purchases for the entire year. Yuck! I’m ready for some real food! Wyoming is a beautiful as I remember but it is rather remote and gosh it was cold for June! It was especially chilly the next morning. Burr! I couldn’t help but think of the Laramie project and as a result Jerry Wayne while we were here. One stop at the bank, one quick stop at Safeway for some “real” food, one stop at the petrol station (Ah! That infamous tank of gas!) and we were off.

You probably can’t read the sign on the tank in the pictures but it reads “For use as motor fuel only. CONTAINS LEAD.” Perhaps this is why the check engine light illuminated?

Rollin, rollin, rollin. Keep them doggies rollin!

June 6, 2007

Don’t try to understand them. Just rope, throw and brand them. Soon we’ll be living high and wide! (Insert record scratch)

Ahem… it’s far to early for a digression of that sort! Apologies from The Management.

So day one and we made it to Winnemucca, Nevada. I didn’t get a good enough shot of the casino lights at night so you’ll have to make due with this road shot. I think we’ll be seeing lots more images like this over the next few days. Jo was about to kill me by the time we got out of Ashland but we’ll make it there in one piece and I was a bit distracted but a gal has lots to do before moving to the other side of the country!

I think we made pretty good time for a decent half days drive. More to follow!

HorseGirlTV Mystery Machine AND Virginia or bust!

June 6, 2007

So the HorseGirlTV Mystery Machine (aka my Jeep and our new cargo trailer) are ready for the journey cross country! Between my organization, Mike with Art Effects, Scott at Progressive Audio and Ronnie at Mankin Motorsports the tiny rig is ready! The trailer graphics are too cool and it’s the perfect size for hauling cross country (I think) and to take to horse shows and events this summer.

We loaded up the little rig last night. I got up semi early this morning to get a ride on Jo before hitting the road. Of course he was a prince and although we only did walk, trot and canter his collection was fabulous and oh so fun!

Virginia here we come!

It’s Reining. It’s Pouring!

June 1, 2007

It’s time again for another episode! I had a BLAST with this one and it shows! This is my favorite episode thus far. John was so much fun to work with, the content was good and the production was very witty and entertaining (Thanks Brent! You rock!). The work is really starting to come together and I can’t wait to see what HorseGirlTV will be like in another 3 months! Yahoo!

I learned my lesson though! Never again will I schedule two shoots, an episode release a mere 24 hours before I have planned to move from one side of the country to the other. Hehe!