Wellington Or Bust – From Eastern North Carolina To Southern Florida And Week One

February 14, 2012

I’m super busy right now with HorseGirlTV admin work, training, writing and prepping for super interviews this week with Ingram Training Stable & SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Veterinarian, Dr. Frank Pellegrini but fans have been requesting a blog about the trip down to Wellington so here’s some photos! I hope you like them!

North Carolina “in my rear view mirror” so to speak. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss my farm. I have THE BEST footing, super private setup and a small handful of super neat horsey friends but being able to throw a rock and hit a handful of talented riders (not that I would, hehe) is a huge draw!

Welcome to South Carolina!


Welcome to Georgia!


Rolled 40,000 on the Tundra driving down! Yeah to my super truck!

It’s Hansel somewhere around or south of Georgia?


It’s Jacksonville, FL and the downtown area looks actually quite pretty as best I could tell after 8 hours driving and a quick snap with the iPhone 4S!


Picollo is a super travel companion but he’s not great on the convo unless he hears the blinkers are on which usually means we’re stopping for petrol!


Arrived, unpacked, not settled yet tho. Here’s the arena behind those lush and beautiful palm trees at Carol’s facility.


A well deserved romp in the paddock after 13 hours standing in the horse box! Go Hansel!


Me and Hansel in the mirrors (yeah mirrors and seeing what we actually look like!!!!!).

Look how pretty the gallop field is!


YES! They sell horse feed in the market here! Pretty neat chain markets called Publix with some really nice looking vegetables!

Hansel gets his first set of real sport horse shoes!!!! Thanks Nacho! Super duper job and thanks for taking the time to chat with me about his way of going and really get a solid pair on him. I love them!!!!!


My SUCCEED embroidered, Back on Track saddle pads arrived! The Absorbine ones will be ready soon!


Life down in So FL traveling around can be so tiring on the little pup! Picollo certainly loves his new squeeky toy tho!

Just another CDI 3* in So FL! Nah really it was exciting to watch some super rides including my friend Mary!


Met THE equine massage therapist in Wellington tonight Sal (http://www.salmassage.com/), watched him work, talked about maybe interviewing him for HorseGirlTV then a little impromptu first time experience at WEF! Margie won the $125,000 this night and yes this goes for 14 weeks and the prizes just get larger and larger. I’m in heaven! Can I just move here full time??


Yeah! Congrats Mary on your 2nd place in the CDI I1 freestyle this past weekend at JBC in Wellington! Super job!!!

In The Midst, A Realization

January 29, 2012

This is going to be short and sweet because I’m honestly “in the midst” of packing, organizing and preparing for a 12 hour + transport down to Wellington this coming week. The horse box is clean, the tack room is in shambles because of packing decisions. I was stressed out yesterday wondering why it’s so much more challenging packing for a couple months in the south of Florida than it was for several months training in Holland. Wait a minute?! Poor me??

In my morning stress of “how am I going to fit all this stuff” and “what should I and shouldn’t I take” dilemas I had a realization. It’s at these times when I feel like a complete dummy. I’m all stressed out over this rather than being focused on the amazing opportunity for training, getting to be around high performance peers and what a super opportunity for HorseGirlTV that this actually is. I look back at the last decade of my amazing life and pondered…

Think about it Angelea, my birthday is coming up and I’m getting to spend it again with the best doxy on the planet in West Palm Beach adjacent. Maybe a handful of my long term, life changing friends will come visit even!? Then I found it hard to believe that it was almost 10 years ago Picollo and I shared my birthday together in LA at Chateau Marmont where he had his way with Matthew McConaughey’s black lab, Miss Hunt, we hung poolside with D&G models and got invited to the Moulin Rogue cast party that night! This was pre-paralyzed doxy, pre-Madrid life, pre-Grand Prix competition & pre-marriage. So much has happened in only the last 10 years! Wow! So, I stopped, snapped a few picture of the current packing chaos and smiled at all the fortunes I’ve been bestowed in life!

Hope you can reflect today on all your amazing experiences and look forward to all those yet to come. 🙂

Okey. Back to packing!…

HorseGirlTV® Nominated For Two ESMAs! Best YouTube Channel & Best Broadcast Media!

January 18, 2012

The team at HorseGirlTV® is bouncing off the walls after hearing the news that we’ve been nominated this year for two ESMAs (Equestrian Social Media Awards) for categories 1 & 19 Best YouTube and Best Broadcast Media.

PLEASE vote for us here.

We’re honored again this year to make the ESMA shortlist, however it would be such a wonderful treat if we WON! HorseGirlTV has been producing the best equine-based entertainment, offering super contests & giveaways and an informative, fun blog since 2007 so coming into our 100th episode and 5th year anniversary, it would be a super present to win Best YouTube Channel AND Best Broadcast Media.

If you can take a second to vote for us in category 1 and 19, we’d be truly be grateful.

Please vote here.

Firesteed Pinot Noir Oregon Wine Review (Under $15)

December 13, 2011

Following the tradition of equine related vineyards, here’s another uncomplicated wine from the Pacific Northwest. Oregon is fast becoming known for its brilliant Pinot Noirs and the properly paired Firesteed, while not a brilliant Pinot, certainly serves up a fair offering to this reputation.

Be aware, that is an extremely light Pinot! I suggest letting it breath for at least 15 minutes and note it pours very thin but don’t let that steer you away as its uncomplication seems to be its strength.

I’d pair this with something tangy like Indian food, BBQ or anything with a little zest to spice it up. It’s easy to drink without a meal yet I prefer going solo on wines with a little more body than this offers.

Firesteed chose to start with varietals, not because they had vineyards full of ripe grapes, but because they believed they would rapidly gain a following with the wine-buying public. These are wonderful food wines, with bright fruit flavors and low tannins.

My recommendation… ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Technical Data
Appellation: Oregon State
Alcohol: 12.7%
PH: 3.73

Winemaker notes:
“Garnet in color with aromas of raspberries, cedar, leather and exotic spices, the wine’s berry and cherry flavors are framed by soft tannins and continue throughout its on the lingering finish. Grapes for this wine, as in previous years, were sourced from throughout the Willamette, Umpqua, Rogue and Walla Walla Valleys, creating a truly Oregon blend.”

Recommended pairings:
Texas-style spicy BBQ, Filet mignon w/ garlic roasted lemon potatoes, spicy curries.

Request it from your favorite local wine shop or you can find 2009 Firesteed Pinot Noir 750 ml online for $14.99 plus shipping. Tell them you found Firesteed from Angelea at HorseGirlTV!

If you’ve tried it, please feel free to share your thoughts with a comment below!

Taupe Is The New Black!

December 9, 2011

Okey so maybe taupe is not the Prêt-à-Porter Fashion Week color of choice this year but after a little research, I think taupe could be the new black! This is at least where we’re talking about Taupe FITS Wind Pro Breech and Wind Pro Stud Jacket are concerned. My new winter wear arrived this week and just in time for a drop in temps AND with the standard winter riding garments as black and dull as most winter backgrounds it was an uplifting sight.

We should first establish why taupe is kewl… It’s subtle and chic and matches heaps of other colors.

What goes with taupe?..

Okey so black is so kewl because it also goes with everything. It’s stark and you’ll stand out. It’s figure flattering especially if you pair it with black up top and taupe down below. I don’t know how, but I don’t have a solid black riding shirt to speak of in short or long sleeves so this one was out for me with my new fab set.

White is kewl because it keeps you cool yet in the winter on the eastern shores on NC that’s not a huge issue. While I’m totally looking forward to donning my FITS White Seersucker (hopefully in the competition sandbox as well) down in Florida this winter it’s not my top pick for training this time of year when mud seems to mulitply no matter how clean you keep things.

Ding! Lightbulb! Reaching beyond my new outfit I can pair this most awesome FITS Stud jacket in taupe with my FITS Laura Denim Breeches AND what a fabulous combo to wear into town for lunch, the market then back home in time to feed all the while a stylish little diva! Go one step further, and no I don’t have one, but a denim shirt with this combo would be completely rocking!

So we’ve established taupe is neurtal and anything goes with it but why not, especially if it’s your winter wear, add a bright color OR TWO to the combo? This comes to my long, draw out and mostly frivilous decision that I narrowed down to a bright turqoise or a bright hot pink to wear with my new FITS Wind Pro breeches and the matching Stud jacket for today’s training. It was hot pink today so tomorrow’s training will be the bright turquoise.

Yes, this isn’t my normal fare and I’m not sure why I got so incredibly excited when the Wind Pro Stud jacket arrived last night but I am a girl and doesn’t that entitle me to focus on fashion, colors and what I’m going to train in ever-so-often? I will pass along tho that the time I spent thinking about what direction I would take my Friday training and reflecting on this past week’s training achievements did FAR out weigh the fashion conundrum so my head is in the right place. 🙂

What’s your favorite riding outfit and why? Feel free to leave your comments below and thanks in advance for sharing! Oh, don’t forget to enter The 12 Days of HorseGirlTV give away for up to 3 chances to win over $1000 in horsey gifts! Enter The 12 Day of HorseGirlTV! It’s free and easy!

OVER $1000 In Horsey Gifts! The 12 Days of HorseGirlTV!

December 5, 2011

I’ve been invigorated so I put together this great giveaway of brilliant horsey gifts over the weekend! No matter what you celebrate this winter season, me and HorseGirlTV are here to fill it with some cheery horsey gifts. It’s The 12 Days of HorseGirlTV! We’re giving away OVER $1000 worth of products to our amazing fans to say thanks for being the kewlest horse peeps out there! As always with our contests entering to win is FREE & EASY + there’s THREE chances to enter! The contest starts NOW and we start drawing names and announcing 1 winner per day on the 25th of December!

A special thanks to DJ for her inspiring comment on the HorseGirlTV Jumpline Designs contest. DJ you motivated this huge giveaway with your kind words! Thank you for your support of the series! It’s greatly appreciated! I’ll be contacting you shortly to get a mailing address so we can send you a FREE HorseGirlTV Mouse Pad to say thanks for clicking with us! 😉

So we’ll start on the 1st Day of HorseGirlTV below and follow the prizes all the way through the 5th of January announcing via video drawing online published here on the blog, Facebook and Twitter. Thanks so much for watching the series and Happy Holidays from me and HorseGirlTV!

On the 1st Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        An Official HorseGirlTV Mouse Pad!
        (to be announced 25 December)

Keep your mouse rolling in style on our durable cloth top HorseGirlTV mousepad. A great gift for geeks, gamers, or anyone with a computer. Rubber backing prevents the mousepad from sliding. Machine washable. All the kewl kids have one! Buy Yours Online – $12.99.

On the 2nd Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        An Official HorseGirlTV Travel Mug!
        (to be announced 26 December)

Love style? Then drink this up, because our eye -catching ceramic tumbler is a work of art. Plus it’s also a workhorse — thanks to a solid design with steel inner-sleeve that’s ideal for hot or cold beverages. Holding a full 15 oz. and fitting into most vehicle’s cup holders (includes snap-tight lid), it’s also a great choice for travel. Ceramic outer shell, with stainless steel inner sleeve. Gasket-sealed lid, with snap tight closure. Buy Yours Online – $19.99.

On the 3rd Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        Unbridled Passion by Jeff Papows!
        (to be announced 27 December)

While crowds flock to show jumping events around the world, marveling at the magnificence of the champion horses that compete at the Grand Prix level, few are aware of the passionate and intense relationship between rider and horse required to make it to the jump-off. Unbridled Passion – Show Jumpings Greatest Horses and Riders (Acanthus Publishing 2011), provides an intimate look inside the Olympic sport of show jumping and the superstar pairings that define excellence at the elite level. Each chapter is an up close and personal conversation between author, Jeff Papows, and one of the best contemporary riders in North America. Buy Yours Online – $29.99.

On the 4th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        A Hoof Wraps Soaker!
        (to be announced 28 December)

If your horse likes to fidget with buckets and soaking treatments you could be tied up for a while. Not anymore. Apply the hoof soaker, fill it with your soak of choice and get back to your chores. Hoof Wraps soakers are made with a thick shell of ballistic nylon and a coated nylon liner. Each Soaker comes with two EVA foam pads and an extra strap. Tough construction. Fits hoof sizes up to 6” diameter. Easy to use – 3 fastening points offer flexibility. Lightweight and collapsible. Use for hoof soaking or icing. Buy Yours Online – $34.99.

On the 5th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        A Jumpline Designs Pole Ring!
        (to be announced 29 December)

Jumpline Designs Pole Rings are stackable enamel rings that are clean lined and classic. They will transition from barn to show to dinner party with ease! Pole Rings are stackable, allowing you to combine colors for that perfect accessory or to represent the barn that you ride for. The pole collection is crafted of brilliantly polished stainless steel with enamel inlay. Gift ring is in red and white. Buy Yours Online – $29.95.

On the 6th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        The Majesty of the Horse
        (to be announced 30 December)

Award-winning horse photographer Astrid Harrisson and equestrian expert Tamsin Pickeral spent a year combing the world in search of the best examples of more than eighty diverse horse breeds. This book is the result of their ambitious project: a fascinating read accompanied by sensitive and striking photography. Discover the vital role that the magnificent horse has played throughout history, from plow horse to racehorse. Trace the development of the most striking and significant breeds, and learn intriguing tales about breeds that are now almost forgotten. Sumptuously illustrated throughout, this unique book was written and produced for everyone who loves horses. Buy Yours Online – $35.00.

On the 7th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        A Jumpline Designs Centerline Ring!
        (to be announced 31 December)

Set of three individual bands enable you to learn the dressage court letters while you work, ride, or play. Made of brushed stainless steel with polished accents, these rings add a simple elegance to any outfit. Buy Yours Online – $49.99.

On the 8th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        Rider & Horse Back to Back DVD Set
        (to be announced 1 January)

In this DVD, von Dietze explores how the back is at the heart of every movement of the rider on horseback, and yet it is too often a weak point for a living being who spends most of his or her time sitting down. She provides more than 50 practical exercises, both in the arena and on the longe line, for “back-friendly” training. The DVD also offers many practical tips to improve “feel” while moving your own back in a better way. You¹ll discover how to work around your body’s weaknesses and use positive training to prevent straining, invaluable knowledge for every rider and trainer. Susanne von Dietze is a physiotherapist, riding instructor, and upper level dressage rider. Her background in physiotherapy enables her to understand the complex physical relationship essential between horse and rider. Buy Yours Online – $60 DVDs, $20 Book.

On the 9th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        A FITS Fleece Bump Shirt!
        (to be announced 2 January)

Stylish and comfortable. Soft fleece outer with bumped fabric. Perfect for layering or cool fall days. FITS Tech Shirts feature seamless underarm side and sleeve panels for your comfort, and a wicking polyester/lycra blend for warmth and stretchability. A twelve inch zip front placket lets you zip up to stay warm, unzip to cool down, and fits easily over your helmet. You’ll feel and look great every day, everywhere, and in any weather with FITS performance shirts. And easy-care machine wash and dry makes it all hassle-free. Buy Yours Online – $72.00.

On the 10th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        Perri’s Leather Padded Halter
        Snaffle Padded Bracelet &
        Padded Bit Key chain!
        (to be announced 3 January)

Perri’s Custom Soft Padded Leather Halter is made with double stitched 1″ leather strapping with contrasting soft leather padding in your choice of color combinations. This is a truly beautiful halter. These two-tone bracelets are made with the same superior quality leather as our padded bracelets and keychains. Amish made. Black leather will have stainless hardware, havana leather will have brass hardware. Buy Yours Online – $137.00 Combined.

On the 11th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        FITS PerforMAX Front Zip Breeches!
        (to be announced 4 January)

These Full Seat Breeches optimize riding performance through functional design, featuring segmented deerskin panels to allow maximum range of motion for a deeper, more secure position in the saddle. Tiny perforations in the leather create more surface resistance for a much better grip, increase stretch capacity for freedom of motion and allow for better leather breath-ability than any breech on the market today. The athletic gusseted crotch is leather-free and seamless, eliminating bulk and pulling. Buy Yours Online – $279.99 (SPECIAL $251.99).

On the 12th Day of HorseGirlTV my true host gave to me…
        A Back On Track Mesh Sheet!
        (to be announced 5 January)

The Back On Track Therapeutic Mesh Sheet offers soothing far infrared thermal heat to help ease your horse’s pain of stiff, sore and overused muscles. Back on Track sheets and blankets all work the same and can benefit all horses – from pleasure, to race horses to Olympic horses in every discipline. Buy Yours Online – $269.00.

This give away is possible through the generous donations of some amazing companies with brilliant products, a contribution from HorseGirlTV and my time and energy. It’s sooooo worth it to hear from really happy people when they’ve won! NOW!.. How to enter?


  1. Make comment at the bottom of this page including your name, email (your email won’t be published) with your favorite HorseGirlTV episode. Explain in a couple sentences why it’s your favorite episode and include the URL for the exact webisode page.
  2. Make a comment on your Facebook profile tagging HorseGirlTV and explain in a couple sentences why it’s your favorite episode including the episode URL.
  3. Via Twitter. Simply tweet – “I’m entered to win $1000 in prizes http://bit.ly/tcSFn0 – My fav @horsegirltv episode is URL-HERE” (of course paste in the URL of your favorite webisode where the tweet says URL-HERE)

That’s it! THREE opportunities to enter this great contest. THREE chances to win. All FREE and easy! Thanks again to DJ for the inspiration and thanks to all the other amazing HorseGirlTV fans that let me and the team know you enjoy the series! It really does mean a great deal and I’m thankful that we have such amazing fans and friends of HorseGirlTV!!!!!

14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon Washington Wine Review (Under $15)

December 4, 2011

Having lived in and still in love with the Pacific Northwest and Spain, I’m partial to wines from these areas and this little wine is a gem for the price! It’s a must try for cab enthusiasts who value supple tannins with smooth tannins.

Gentle to the pallet, it can either be enjoyed with a meal or is talented enough to have a go it on its own!

Inhale deep then take a sip and think flavors of allspice, cherries and oak while letting it sit in your mouth. It has a very mild-mannered smell, velvety with no after taste.

14 Hands celebrates the spirit of Washington State wild horses (actually ponies) and their rich and unique history. The vineyards are set in the hills near the Columbia river and the terrain that gave these ponies endurance and spirit now feeds the wines of 14 Hands vineyards! This is definitely an easily drinkable, conversation piece wine!

My recommendation… ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Technical Data
Blend: Predominantly Cabernet Sauvignon with Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot and other select red varieties
Appellation: Washington State
Alcohol: 13.5%
Acidity: 0.52g/100ml
PH: 3.82

Winemaker suggestions:
“14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon features aromas of red currants and raspberries with subtle hints of spice. Spiced cherry & plum flavors are joined by notes of cocoa and complemented by fine, velvety tannins.”

Recommended pairings:
Tomato-basil bruschetta, eggplant parmesan, herb crusted prime rib, grilled beef steak, hearty venison stew.

Request it from your favorite local wine shop or you can find 14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon online for $12 plus shipping. Tell them you found 14 Hands from Angelea at HorseGirlTV!

If you’ve tried it, please feel free to share your thoughts with a comment below!

Holiday Wish List Picks!

November 28, 2011

It’s that time of year again. Time to hang up the lights, pull out the stockings and prepare those holiday wish lists! I’m fortunate to get to try tons of great products and services in the horse industry and have some definite opinions about what is innovative, hip and functional around the farm so in the spirit of giving this is my gift to you! Even if a pony is at the top of your list, you should take a look at some of these great items for you and your animal family.

FITS Laura Breech

FITS has been leading the path for high tech innovations in the apparel industry for quite a few years now and they really outdid themselves with the FITS Laura Breech. I love that I can go seamlessly from the sandbox to stable to market with a simple boot change and each look is comfy, stylish and completely functional! Watch the episodes with FITS innovator Sheryl Rudloph HERE and HERE. fitsriding.com

Mountain Horse Stella Polaris Winter Boot

Here’s another winner in the fashion meets function world – the Mountain Horse Stella Polaris Winter Boot. I’ve ridden, done stable chores AND farm work in these and in all they are comfy and toasty warm beating back even the most severe winds the eastern shores can throw at you! Stepping in and out of these with winter layers is super simple with the back zipper. My favorite accent is the faux fur peeking out of the top! Weatherproofed, traction controlled and tested with 1 million flexes at -10 degrees make these rocking winter boots! mountainhorseusa.com

Perri’s Soft Padded Leather Halter

I’ve always been a fan of quality leather halters, leads, leashes & collars for the safety and longevity they offer. Perri’s Leather takes the traditional leather halter & spices it up with bright & fun colors. Of course I got the padded turquoise for HorseGirlTV®. Picollo looks dashing in his collar/leash combo + it even matches his diaper for his cart! The leather is SO supple & the Amish, Made in the USA, craftsmanship is hands down some of the best I’ve seen! perrisleather.com

Back on Track Therapeutic Quick Leg Wraps

I’m über keen on innovations to improve both human and horse athletes so when Bo contacted me this past fall I was wicked excited! The Quick Leg Wraps are brilliant! They are easy to use, easy to wash and I’m now applying them to my gelding overnight with GREAT success in the sandbox! They are a fabulous choice for riders who are not super stealth in their wrapping skills too! These are a definite must for under the tree! backontrackproducts.com

Dublin River Tall Boots

These are a true classic and should be part of every self respecting horse girl’s wardrobe! The Tall River Boots have an unmatched versatility with the traditional good looks! You can even hop on for a hack if you’d like and the RCS (Rider Comfort System) makes each step with cheer. When not wearing them at the stable, I’ll give them a quick brush off, tuck a pair of stylish jeans in and head to town! The path to many a horse girl’s heart is through fashionable footwear that functions. dublinclothing.com

Weatherbeeta Orican Freestyle

Hands down the best blanket I’ve ever had! Snap front closure is super fast. The neck cover is a quick velcro on and off. The wither relief coupled with the gusseted shoulder points is a guaranteed no rub with a proper fit and the blanket itself is terribly kind to the eye. Great colors! Great fit! Your horse will thank you if you stuff his stocking with one of these! I used it for the HorseGirlTV® “How to Fit a Blanket” episode. Plus they have matching dog rugs that are just TOO cute! weatherbeeta.com

Books, books, books!

I couldn’t pick just one so… I’ve really enjoyed the Canterwood Crest series by Jessica Burkhart (Watch the interview). A little over a month ago, I couldn’t put down Georgina Bloomberg’s (Watch the interview) The A Circuit and I just started and am fast spinning through Believing In Horses by Valerie Ormand (Watch the interview). I’ve been fortunate to be able to interview each of these lovely horse ladies and can tell you they are great peeps but likewise super talented writers too! Get them all and fill your stockings to the top!

FITS Bump Fleece

The absolute MOST COMFY fleece ever! The FITS Bump Fleece is toasty warm, offers a zip front that goes over a helmet with ease, rich winter colors and a silky touch you’ll seriously not be able to stop petting yourself! Beyond the silky smooth texture of the fabric, the cut is such that it is very easy to tuck in even. If find myself wearing mine daily this time of year and it goes great with trousers for a biz casual look. It’s definitely a recommended item for all scribes, judges to look and feel great sitting for long hours in or out of the saddle. fitsriding.com

Jumpline Designs Polo Rings

Between a series of world class events and HorseGirlTV® shoots I’ve been fortunate to spend some time with the Jumpline Designs designer, Mollie Wolfe. Mollie’s vitality and personality sparks show through in her designs. I’ve proudly wore my Jumpline Designs ring these past few years. It’s great quality, easy to clean and is a wonderful educational tool (SEE the dressage court ring). The Polo Rings are equally as dashing adding crisp color to your hand all year round. Horse partners & BFs, you can never go wrong with a tasteful piece of jewelry as a gift! jumplinedesigns.com

Draper Equine Therapy Cooler

I’ve been using my Draper Equine Therapy Cooler now for several years and it still looks as great as the day it arrived and it even made the trip across the pond with me to train in Holland (SEE picture)! It’s easy to wash and I’ve found that folks sitting ringside tend to quickly gravitate to it and next thing I know they are bundled up toasty warm in their chair. It’s made in the USA by super folks so whether you’re looking to keep yourself or your horse warm at ringside, this is one to add to the list! You can watch the interview with the Ladies of Draper online. draperequinetherapy.com

Do you have a favorite high tech, innovative or super comfy and fashionable item on your list and would like to share? Please feel free to leave a comment below! 🙂