This picture of one of Picollo’s birthday parties was too cute not to post but it’s not his birthday for a few more months! It is HorseGirlTV’s birthday. This month, 5 years ago, HorseGirlTV was born to the world of the Internet and she hasn’t looked back since! Not only is this a 5 year celebration but the 100th episode is launching this month too and, as if that’s not enough, it wouldn’t be a birthday celebration if there were not some fabulous gifts. The gifts will be given to you, yes YOU, because my fans are the best fans on the planet and Team HorseGirlTV is so very thankful for you!

What can you win?
Well, I queried our Facebook fans and this is what we came up with from their feedback. How about…

Any of these can be yours and entering is FREE and simple! As for the how, well, my gift to HorseGirlTV for turning a very mature Internet 5 years old, is an effort to bring her into a more sophisticated light. I’ve began curating a weekly Equestrian Life, Style & Culture Guide and you might be reading this because you’ve received the pilot version. If so, WELCOME and THANKS for subscribing and you’re ALREADY entered to win any of the gifts above. So the simple part of entering? Just subscribe to my new weekly email guide (← click that) and you’re automatically entered! If you want TWO chances dropped in the ole top hat drawing then just follow us on Twitter ( and Tweet this (just copy and paste below)…

@HorseGirlTV is turning 5 yrs & launching 100th episode. I want gifts! I’m entering 2 win over $1000 in prizes. Pls RT

There’s no purchase necessary and subscribing more than once won’t improve your odds of winning. Whatever special giveaway rules your state, province or country might have would apply to you and HorseGirlTV asks that you cover the actual shipping cost of your item.

BTW, Picollo will be 12 years old this year and although he has a significant amount of gray around the chin he’s still as spry as he was in the 4 year old birthday picture on this blog. He has more energy than an able bodied dog and definitely a massive heart.

Happy Birthday HorseGirlTV and a huge thanks to YOU, our fans, for making these the most spectacular last 5 years! Good luck!


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