SOOOOO much has happened in the last 4 days. I had that rough long weekend (SEE previous blog) followed up with the final scramble to get everything ready for this weeks shoot with Jessica Burkhart. For those of you who’ve been living under a rock this last year, Jessica is the hot tween author of the brilliantly written Canterwood Crest series.

Yes and for the existing fans, I’m on Team Eric but please do keep in mind I just finished “Behind the Bit” so I might not be hip to the vibe of the newer releases and we all know how fickle our little academy friends can be. Whew!

So Jessica flew down on Tuesday and I had a BLAST chatting with her, picking her brain about writing and writers and just talking world views. She’s such a smart and talented gal.

Wednesday morning was the shoot and we set indoors as it was just too darn hot to step out into that humidity. The interview was smashing and I think we really captured some great content to inspire young and old riders alike to live their dreams, try hard and become a success. Jessica has a wonderful story to share and it was fabulous to capture it for HorseGirlTV. We’ll be launching this webisode on the 15th of October so look out for it.

We also have 8, yes count em EIGHT, autographed copies (Thanks Jessica!!!) from the series to give away to HorseGirlTV viewers. If you haven’t already joined the team, go to and join for free to participate in the drawing.

Now for a fun photographic step through yesterdays events just let the mouse scroll…

Setting up and checking audio (yes Picollo helps when he can):

Post shoot “Hey are you still awake up there?”:

Cleaning up Miss C for her author photo shoot:

Awwww, cute pict:

And a little touch of wacky: