Happy New Year HorseGirlTV Fans!
While enjoying morning coffee on this first day of 2010 a blue bird propelled itself into our living area window. A bunch of birds began to flock around it while a fellow blue bird pecked at it and we couldn’t figure out if it was saying get up and fly away or simply trying to kill it. Since they were both males it’s my guess he was trying to kill it with survival of the fittest and all. We watched it for a while and the other blue bird and its buddies flew away and it just sat there with its beak open and left wing extended. Finally it closed its beak and wing so I went outside to get a better look and see if it had broken something or was truly just stunned from banging into the window. I flapped its wings at me and to test it’s legs I got it to perch on a stick. I sat the stick in a sheltered area up a bit so it might recover in quiet. It was quite a pretty bird! Here’s a few pictures…