Frank and Cece of EquiChord drove down from Maryland today to shoot a series on musical freestyle for me. We’ve been virtual friends for quite a while now but this was the first time we met in real time and GOSH they are the NICEST FLIPPING PEOPLE! OMG! Too much fun! They are so talented, easy to work with so check them out if you get a chance online at and make sure and look into their book too!

Some great folks from Wilmington drove up to meet and check out the working process. They were part of the über kewl NC caravan to the recent PVDA Ride for Life (And NO, Frank and Cece are NOT flipping the bird at the camera, just showing off bands). I’ve been adopted to be part of next years caravan so check out our photos with our “NC Caravan For The Cure” bands!


Course what would it be without a vblog opportunity taken on my trusty 3Gs iPhone to get everyone to say hi and Ride for the Cure!! Check out the behind the scenes post EquiChord shoot!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”364″][/youtube]