Look at that beautiful Thanksgiving Dinner table! Ex made the juiciest turkey ever stuffed with my mom’s cornbread dressing recipe! He also made his mom’s recipe for candied sweet potatoes and I tackled the pumpkin pie. We enjoyed a simple bottle of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Villages. A good and inexpensive wine crafted in the, obviously, Beaujolais region. It’s a simple, drinkable wine that you can pair with almost anything. I first tasted it at Brad & George’s place several years back and was impressed!
Like true American’s, we laid around all morning doing lots of nothing, began cooking and baking about noon and dinner was finished at 1700. We have lots to be thankful for this year one of which is that we were together. HorseGirlTV is going far better than I could expect and Ex’s in a good position being close to graduation at The Basic School and ready to begin the Infantry Officer’s Course in January. We’re headed home to Oregon for a few days for Christmas and life in general is just really good!
Happy Thanksgiving!